Wednesday, October 20

Blue System Theme for Windows 7 OS: Windows 7 | Year: 2010

The theme is quite simple to install, but there are times when the subject simply does not want to become normal for your system. Let us consider the problem of installation ...
In the download archive to the topic you will find a file format. Msstyles. In principle, all that is required to install a theme - just run this file and click "Apply." Nothing and do not need to move, but simply be zapustt this file.

But if you suddenly it started, and you fly a window with the classical theme of Windows, then you have installed on your computer WindowBlinds. So if you want to install a simple theme for the windows you will need to completely remove the program from your computer.

Another might be an option that you have Windows itself refuses to accept other topics. In this case, you need to patch some system files. This may help program UXTheme Multi-Patcher 6.0. Or this patch (UXTender). Either the last patch - Universal Theme Patcher

How to use this program:
Start -> after the fly first window click "patch" -> then click "OK" -> after 15 seconds the program will ask to restart the computer -> click again "OK" -> computer reboots. Everything! Now you can safely utanavlivat any topic.

Frequently, users make the mistake that runs the file. Msstyles, not unpack the archive. In some cases it is normal, but if in the archives there are still some files to the topic, then it too will fail. Therefore, before installing, it is strongly recommended - unpack archives.

How to use the patch:

Project:  Universal Theme Patcher
Support:  Windows XP SP2 SP3/2003/2008/Vista SP1 SP2/Windows 7,  32bit(x86)/64bit(x64)
Blog: (English) ||

Crack uxtheme, free your Windows supports 3rd party desktop msstyle themes.

It is a universal theme patcher. Without language limited, Supports all language of windows!

The meaning of the last number of checksum:
1 - Original file, without any modification.
9 - The file has been modified.

1, Can oprate in normal mode. Do not need to enter safe mode.

2, Choose the corresponding patcher based on you Windows:
   For 32bit(x86):   UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe
   For 64bit(amd64): UniversalThemePatcher-x64.exe

3, Require administrator rights. Right-click the exe file, select Run as Administrator.

4, XP/2003 only need to patch one file: uxtheme.dll
   2008/Vista/Windows 7 6519 need to patch 3 files: uxtheme.dll, themeui.dll, shsvcs.dll
   Windows 7 6801 need to patch 3 files: uxtheme.dll, themeui.dll, themeservice.dll

   Sometimes, in x64 Windows, you need to patch 2 copies of files:
   using UniversalThemePatcher-x64.exe to patch the 64bit files in \windows\system32;
   and using UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe to patch the 32bit files in \windows\syswow64.

Click here to Download !

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